Computer and Information Sciences (CISC) 179 - Intro to Python Programming
Instructor: Hobson Lane
Instructor email:
Course of Record Number (CRN): 53133
This is an introductory course in Python programming, incorporating the fundamentals of object oriented software and user interface design. You will learn how to program a computer such that it can read from input devices (keyboard and files), write to output devices (console and files).
You will learn how to:
- Analyze user needs and requirements
- Design a user interface for a Python application
- Create classes with attributes and methods for implementing your program
- Write software for event procedures and business logic
- Test and debug the completed programs and applications
- Document your program for users and developers using Python “doctests”
This course is intended for Computer and Information Sciences majors or anyone interested in the Python programming language.
Important dates
- 01/29/2024 - Start of Spring Semester
- 02/09/2024 (Friday) - Drop deadline (drop class with full refund and no “W” on transcript)
- 02/16/2024 - 02/19/2024 - Lincoln/Washington Day (CAMPUS CLOSED)
- 03/25/2024 - 03/29/2024 - (SPRING BREAK)
- 03/29/2024 - Cesar Chavez Day (CAMPUS CLOSED)
- 04/12/2024 - Withdrawal Deadline (Primary 16-Wk Session)
- 04/30/2024 - Deadline to Apply for Graduation
- 05/25/2024 - End of Spring Semester
• High School Algebra
Learning objectives and schedule
Week 1. Python programming language, variables and types
Sign into Runestone.Academy, read a chapter, and run code examples in the browser.
FOPP-1: Edit and run Python expressions and programs from the command line
Week 2. Debugging and object oriented programming
FOPP-2: Set and examine variable values and understand basic types (`str`, `float`, and `int` )
FOPP-3: Error types, error messages, finding and correcting logic and syntax errors.
Week 3. Sequences and iteration
FOPP-4: Import and use modules, namespaces, and object methods.
FOPP-5: : Use the Python `turtle` module to visualize program control flow in for loops.
Week 4.
Project: Install and use a text editor (SublimeText) or IDE (PyCharm) to edit Python programs
FOPP-6: Indexing, slicing, and combining lists and strings (`list`, `str`, `[start:stop]`)
FOPP-7: Iterating through sequences with `for` and `while` loops
Week 5. Conditional expressions and modifying sequences
Project: Create a single-turn text adventure game using `input()`, `print()`, `if`, `else`.
Project: Run a Python program (*.py) file from command line.
FOPP-8: Use conditional expressions (`if`, `else`) to control program flow
FOPP-9: Modifying sequences and the accumulator pattern
Week 6. Files and dictionaries
Project: Create a text adventure game with 5+ turns using hard coding.
FOPP-10: Reading and writing files (`open`, `read`, and `write`)
FOPP-11: Dictionaries (nested `dict` containers)
Week 7. Functions and tuples
FOPP-12: Functions (`def`)
FOPP-13: Tuples (`tuple()`)
Week 8. Midterm project - Build a text adventure game
Define container variables (`list`, `tuple`, `dict`) with game content (`str`, `int`)
Use `input` and `output` to interact with the user through the console (terminal)
Use conditionals and looping to handle invalid user input (`while` and/or `for)
Week 9. Advanced iteration patterns and functions
FOPP-14: Advanced iteration
FOPP-15: Advanced functions and `kwargs`
Week 10.
FOPP-16: Sorting sequences
FOPP-17: Nested data
Week 11.
FOPP-18: Test cases
FOPP-19: Exceptions (`try` and `except`)
Week 12.
FOPP-20: Classes and objects
FOPP-21: Building Programs
Designing, building, testing and debugging Python programs from scratch.
Understanding nested data structures and flat file formats for data-driven Python programs
Week 14. Installing and using external Python packages (`pandas` and `doctest`)
Pandas Python package for reading and writing HTML and CSV tables.
Project: Move content from hard-coded Python variable definitions to a Spreadsheet
Week 15.
Final Project: Load text-adventure game (or chatbot) content from CSV.
Final Project: Use functions, loops, and text files (CSV) to create data-driven Python programs
Your final grade will be the weighted average of you accumulated scores on reading assignments, quizzes, programming assignments (labs) and exams.
15%: 15 Weekly reading assignments in Runestone (1 point per assignment)
15%: 15 Weekly quizzes in Runestone (1 point per quiz)
15%: Midterm exam in Runestone
15%: Midterm project (programming assignment)
5%: Does the program run without syntax errors
5%: Does the program contain all the required elements of the assignment
3%: Does the program utilize correct Python style (PEP8)
2%: Does the program utilize comments appropriately
20%: Final exam in Runestone
20%: Final project (programming assignment)
5%: Does the program run without syntax errors
5%: Does the program contain all the required elements of the assignment
5%: Does the program utilize correct Python style (PEP8)
3%: Does the program utilize doctests and docstrings appropriately